Sedation Dentisty at 4M Dental

Relaxed. Calm. Painless.

At 4M Dental Implant Center, we understand that a trip to the dentist can trigger anxiety in even the most sturdy of us.

With this in mind, our office is designed to soothe, and our team is made up of people who care. 

Avoiding the dentist is a sure way to create bigger – and more expensive – oral health issues. Fear and anxiety of going to the dentist aren’t the only reasons why patients choose sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry is helpful for those who have very low pain thresholds, extra sensitive teeth, or need an extensive amount of work done. Depending upon the procedure you’re having, your level of comfort, unease, and health – all will help determine the type of sedation that is right for you.

Treatments Are Painless With Sedation Dentistry
full mouth dental implants at 4M Dental Implant Center
Woman wearing a mask sitting at a desk, looking at a computer screen, with her chin resting on her hand, possibly researching whole mouth dental implants.
4M Dental patient with whole mouth dental implants

Minimal Sedation

Minimal sedation relieves your apprehension. You’ll feel calm and relaxed. At this level of sedation you are conscious, with a minimum effect on your senses.

Inhaling nitrous oxide (laughing gas), or taking doctor prescribed pills, such as Halcion, are methods to achieve minimal sedation.

Moderate Sedation

A lessened state of consciousness. You will be relaxed, groggy, and possibly doze off. Throughout the procedure, you’ll be aware of the doctor and assistants and will be able to respond appropriately. Though conscious, you may not be able to remember the procedure.

Moderate sedation is reached usually with a higher dosage of prescribed Halcion. 

A joyful woman in a floral blouse is laughing while holding her smartphone to her ear, sitting by a window.
Portrait of an elderly Asian man with whole mouth dental implants, smiling at the camera, wearing a dark jacket. His hair is black with hints of gray.

Deep Sedation

Also referred to as “twilight sedation,” deep sedation is a depression of consciousness where you sleep, but can still respond to the doctor and assistants when necessary. At this level of sedation, patients don’t typically recall their procedure.

Under deep sedation, you are able to breath on your own without the need for additional oxygen.

General Anesthesia

This is what is known as being “put under.” This is a state of total unconsciousness in which you are unable to respond to outside stimuli and will have no memory of the procedure. 

At 4M Dental Implant Center we do not offer general anesthesia, as there are no procedures we perform that require it. We offer Minimal, Moderate, and Deep.

A woman sitting at a table laughing while having a conversation with an older woman and a young man, outdoors in a park.
Surgeon in scrubs and mask performing whole mouth dental implants with assistance, focused and wearing headlamp, in a medical setting.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Many people have concerns about the safety of sedation. When administered correctly by a trained and licensed professional, sedation is common and considered safe and suitable for most.

At 4M Dental Implant Center, we take into consideration your overall health, any medications you are taking, and what procedure you’re having done.

We employ safety precautions such as making sure you have a responsible person driving you to and picking you up from your appointment.

Saying I am scared of dentists is an understatement. ‘Petrified’ doesn’t even describe my fear. I visited many sedation dentists in town and thankfully I found Dr. Sean and staff. They were all so very patient with me and truly understood my fear. Today, I have an amazing smile and more importantly I conquered my fear of dentists.

Will I Feel Any Pain?

Often sedation dentistry consists of combining a sedative to relax you and an anesthetic to block pain. When given by a certified professional, it’s an effective combination.

Throughout a more intensive procedure, such as the 4M Dental Implant Solution, pain killers are administered during and after, with the aid of an IV to assure you are as comfortable as possible.

Sedation dentistry is safe and effective and will make your visit comfortable and stress-free.

Going to the dentist doesn’t have to be stressful.

A healthcare worker in scrubs and a mask comforting an elderly patient with whole mouth dental implants in a hospital corridor.