Whole Mouth Dental Implants from 4M Dental

What is a Dental Implant?

Unlike traditional treatments of crowns, bridges, root canals, and dentures, whole mouth dental implants – also known as All-on-X – offer a permanent solution for your missing teeth. Nothing looks more natural or lasts longer.

A dental implant takes the place of a missing tooth, restoring function and aesthetics. Implants can be used to replace one missing tooth, several missing teeth, or all of your teeth.

4M Dental Implant Center offers FREE dental implant consultations.
full mouth dental implants at 4M Dental Implant Center
4M Dental patient with whole mouth dental implants
Text reading "What is full mouth dental implants?" in bold, outlined capital letters, with a minimalistic and artistic font style.
Dentist and assistant in masks and scrubs show a whole mouth dental implants mold to a patient in a clinic.

What Is A Dental Implant Made Of?

The actual implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jawbone at the site of a missing tooth. The other components of an implant are the abutment and the crown. The abutment attaches to the implant, connecting the implant to the crown. The crown is the “tooth.”

How Do Whole Mouth Dental Implants Work?

As you heal, a process called “osseointegration” takes place. This is when the titanium implant fuses (or integrates) with your bone. A solid integration is the foundation for your new tooth.

Your implant replaces the missing tooth root. This is a huge benefit to implants over bridges or dentures. Your jaw bone needs the root to remain healthy. The tooth root stimulates your bone to grow, which keeps the structure of your face strong and youthful looking.

If you’ve been without teeth for a while, or in dentures, you may have noticed that the shape of your face has changed over time.

Dental technician wearing blue gloves uses a small drill on a whole mouth dental implants cast under a protective shield.

The Benefits Of Dental Implants

If you need to replace your teeth, dental implants are the next best thing to real teeth. Take a look at the other many benefits.

The word "benefits" written in large, bold, uppercase letters with a dark outline and blue neon glow effect inside the letters related to full mouth dental implants.
Close-up portrait of a smiling woman with long blonde hair, wearing a pink jacket, standing against a blurred background, showcasing her whole mouth dental implants.


The first things people notice are your eyes and your smile. Withholding a smile gives off a negative impression and less-than-perfect teeth are also often unfairly judged. You can change both of these with dental implants – no other tooth replacement option looks more like natural teeth.

If you’ve been without teeth for a while you may have noticed a change in the structure of your face. Maybe a little sunken? A little older? A weaker jawline? This is a result of the lack of tooth roots. A tooth root stimulates your bone, encouraging healthy growth.

Whole mouth dental implants look natural and replace missing teeth roots, restoring facial structure and getting bone healthy again for a more youthful appearance.


The list of health benefits is long. Restoring your ability to chew is chief among them. If you’ve suffered with painful teeth or no teeth at all, you’re aware of how limited your food selection has become. Your body needs the many beneficial nutrients found in crunchy, chewy, crisp foods. Digestion is extremely important too. Chewing your food properly helps with good digestion.

Dental implants aren’t a procedure just done to your mouth – they’re a procedure for your whole body.

Dentist in mask and protective wear sitting across from a patient discussing whole mouth dental implants in a modern dental office, with dental equipment in the background.
A man and a woman with whole mouth dental implants smiling at the camera inside an office, the woman wearing a black work uniform and the man in a grey under armour t-shirt.


Smile big and wide, and laugh out loud with no concern about showing a missing tooth, unattractive teeth, or a denture that slips out of place. No more passing on social engagements, selfies, and family photos. You can finally stop hiding from behind your hand.

Have less than perfect teeth kept you from getting a promotion or a date? When you don’t have to feel embarrassed about your smile, your confidence will soar.

With whole mouth dental implants, you’ll be noticed and remembered for your smile in the way that you want to be.


Whole mouth dental implants are permanent. Unlike with dentures, which you must remove daily to clean, implants remain in your mouth. Caring for them is like caring for natural teeth: brush, floss, and/or use a waterpick.

Gone are the days of cavities and root canals.

You never have to worry about them slipping or sliding out of place at an inopportune moment. And no messy glues are needed.

No other tooth replacement option is more like real teeth than dental implants.

A joyful woman laughing, showing her whole mouth dental implants, wearing a white top in a brightly lit indoor setting.
Surgeon in scrubs and mask performing whole mouth dental implants with assistance, focused and wearing headlamp, in a medical setting.

Are Whole Mouth Dental Implants Safe?


When performed by a trained and experienced professional, dental implants are considered a safe and predictable dental procedure.

Once you’ve decided to get dental implants, the next most important decision is, “Who is going to perform the procedure?”

Dr. Sean Mohtashami and the rest of the 4M team is the answer.

Combined, our doctors have been placing implants for over 50 years, and with thousands of implants placed our position at the top of dental implant dentists is widely recognized.

4M Institute – located within our Long Beach location – is a post-graduate training facility where dentists from around the world come to learn the NeoArch® Dental Implant Treatment Solution. Dr. Sean is the founder and lead educator.

Free Dental Implant Consultations

Taking the first step is as easy as making an appointment!

At your FREE consultation, you’ll have an exam and X-rays taken. You’ll meet your implant doctor and the two of you will discuss your dental goals. From your exam and X-rays, your doctor will determine exactly what is going on, offer treatment options, and answer your questions until you’re satisfied you understand everything.

During this visit you will meet with a Care Coordinator and will further discuss treatment options and cost.

You will leave the office knowing exactly what needs to be done and exactly what it will cost – from the first impression we take to your final set of teeth.

Blonde woman in a black mask and uniform giving a thumbs-up in a dental clinic specializing in whole mouth dental implants, with another masked person in the background.